Saturday, April 4, 2009

More great news

Well things continue to look good.

I just had my three-month checkup with the Oncologist, and everything looks good.

My CEA score was lower than 0.4 - same as it has been basically since my surgery.

And my Glucose was 98.

So I'm happy.

On the exercise front I am glad to see that it is, slowly but surely, warming up outside.

I have been doing a minimal exercise regimen lately. walking around a track for half an hour a couple days a week, and going to Yoga class once a week. I would like to be doing more, but various distractions have cluttered my schedule.

Anyhow, one day a week or two ago, when it was unseasonably warm out, I took my bike to the gas station and got the tires properly inflated. Then it got cold out again. I am really ready for some biking once it warms up.

I also have not been lifting weights at all for a couple of months, and am looking for a gym to join. Once I get all this figured out, and I get on a more intense workout schedule, I will feel even better. (But I cant complain right now)

I told my Oncologist that I have been taking 2000 IU of Vitamin D daily, because a study showed that Vitamin D deficiency and Colon Cancer are related. He told me that was OK, but really people do not get the benefits of Vitamin D unless they spend time in the sun. The Vitamin D gets converted slightly when exposed to sunlight and the new molecule, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is the one which is important.

See here for the lowdown on Vitamin D:

From the article: "Basically, UVB light triggers a modification of a cholesterol-related molecule located in the membrane of skin cells. The vitamin D that is created is then ejected from the membrane into our circulation system, where it travels to the liver. In this organ, it is transformed into 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the derivative that doctors use to assess overall vitamin-D status. "

Therefore I plan on spending more time outdoors. Yay! Another reason to go to the beach this summer!